Camp Dunmore, Salisbury, VT 1982
For those of you who spent your summers waking to the sounds of reveille or the 7AM bell….THIS BOOK’S FOR YOU.
For those of you who remember polar bear swims, fireball jaw breakers and bunk inspections after breakfast…THIS BOOK’S FOR YOU.
Mention the two simple words, SUMMER CAMP, and anyone who ever attended a sleep away will begin telling you their nostalgic tales. Favorite activities, friends and counselors are material for endless stories and legendary accounts of summer mayhem.
There were the star athletes, the homesick kids, trip days, evenings at the canteen or social hall…and of course Color War.
I hope these photographs help re-live some of those seminal experiences and bring you back to those endless and carefree days.
All images were taken with my trusty Minolta SRT 201 using 35mm B&W Tri-X film.
I love that camera! Still have it and still shoot with it.
The photographs were all shot at CAMP DUNMORE in Salisbury, VT during the summers of 1982 and 1983.
Photo: Amy Roberts Fogel
You’re invited to be a part of the Camp book!
We want to hear your memories and thoughts about summer camp…send us a 2-3 line quote and we will include it in the book!
End the quote with your name, name of the camp you attended and the year(s).
An Invitation to help Publish the Camp book
We will soon be announcing the CROWD FUNDING program to publish this much anticipated new hardcover, fine art project.
““If I could be at camp everyday, that would be my definition of heaven.”